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Eeses an Erotic Fairytale

Grey penshell & bone box
Handcarved bone penis on cut oyster shell and penshell.

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(only 500 printed)
Eeses, an erotic fairytale' is a little book of social and sexual liberty.
Journalist Caia Hagel originally asked me to write Eeses as a short story for the Canadian quarterly: FRANK.
It later developed as a full story. Using Faye Latio as my pen name and embodying Connie Lingus as a graphic artist, I embarked on my first printed limited edition.
The red velvet book is hard back and sewn. There are coloured end papers and 33 black and white illustrations done by Jean Brice Viaud. All of the pages are adorned with decorative borders which I created in Illustrator - most appropriate for a deliciously erotic fairytale.
The story is about a humble but beautiful peasant girl who is betrothed to the Crown Prince of an ill reputed kingdom. Eeses is prepared and trained to be the perfect sensual plaything of the future King. Her total lack of power sets both a seductive and disturbing tone to the story. When Eeses rejects her nightly elixir of herbal aphrodisiacs she begins to discover that she and her people are caught in a web of manipulation, set in place to maintain the selfish pleasure of the Royals. The future Queen and her lady in waiting devise a plan to liberate themselves and the kingdom. A plan that not only plays on her husband’s fears but is equally so appetizing to him that he becomes unconsciously instrumental in replacing his family’s tyrannical rule with a life lived in Love.
Dedicated to all independently minded gals who like a little spanking.
Eeses was launched at Les Nuits Blanches, Paris. 2008.
Pix from the launch:
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